Ghost Diving helps Healthy Seas and Hyundai in Extensive “Ghost Farms” Operation

Ghost Diving helps Healthy Seas and Hyundai in Extensive “Ghost Farms” Operation Addressing Plastic Pollution and Marine Litter from Abandoned Fish Farms: A Comprehensive Mission of Clean-up, Education, and Community Engagement. May 29th, 2024 – Western Greece – Healthy Seas, in collaboration with Hyundai, has successfully inaugurated an extensive clean-up operation targeting abandoned fish farms…

Ghost Diving - Chapter Ghost Diving Greece after a major cleanup

Combined forces in Greece

Combined forces in Greece Because Greece has a coastline of 13,676 kilometers (8,498 miles), the largest in the Mediterranean, this chapter generally works with a strong combination of international Ghost Diving volunteers, reinforced with local divers. Due to the many diving centers in Greece, we work efficiently with those closest to the target location and…

Ghost Diving - Ghost Divers with recoverde ghost gear at Lake Ohrid Macedonia

Lake conservation: Ohrid

Lake conservation: Ohrid Lakes, but actually freshwater in general, are not very common locations for our divers in our field. It was even more special to run a cleanup project in one of the oldest and most iconic lakes in Europe, both on the UNESCO World Network of Biosphere Reserves and on the UNESCO World…

10 Years of Ghost Diving

10 Years of Ghost Diving

10 Years of Ghost Diving   It was late 2012 when we decided that conservation diving, and in particular the focus on removing lost fishing gear, had to be approached in an effective and, in particular, safer way. Ghost Diving was founded by a small group of enthusiastic technical divers in the Netherlands. We first…

Massive Effort to Protect the Environment and Historical Wrecks Takes Place off Lampedusa

Massive Effort to Protect the Environment and Historical Wrecks Takes Place off Lampedusa

Massive Effort to Protect the Environment and Historical Wrecks Takes Place off Lampedusa   During an eight-day expedition that wrapped up on June 29th, volunteer divers from five countries removed ghost gear from ships sunken during WWII in the Mediterranean Sea between Italy’s Lampedusa Island, and Tunisia. Healthy Seas teamed up with Ghost Diving and SDSS for a…