New Zealand

Coordinator: Rob Wilson

Rob is founder and Team Leader of Ghost Diving in New Zealand posted on the Ghost Diving page on December the 11th in 2013 about how Pascal and his team had motivated them in New Zealand to make a difference in their home country. On February the 23rd the very next year Rob organised his first dive team to attack marine debris on a local scale which led to an invitation for Rob to join the international Ghost Diving team.

Rob and his team undertake monthly marine debris clean ups and have integrated Ghost Diving New Zealand into the local and national community working with numerous organisations to recover items from the ocean. Everything from E-scooters to 60m nets.

Robs team is incredibly dedicated and strive to motivate others all over the globe with their passion to make a difference. Having obtained his PADI Open Water qualification at a very early age (youngest Open Water diver in the country at the time), Rob has gone from strength to strength as a diver. Now a qualified technical diver with Global Underwater Explorers he works tirelessly to create community and to educate others both in and out of the water.

Rob has been involved in numerous GUE expeditions including three trips to “Project Middle Earth” cave exploration in the beautiful Blue Creek resurgence and involvement in the GUE/Project Baseline in the waters of Fiji. It is rare week when Rob has neither his drysuit on or his camera in his hand or both. Team is everything to Rob, and in his words ‘Team does not end when you leave the water’